Adult Career Counseling
With increased competition in the marketplace for higher level, better paying positions, today’s professionals must have a clear career focus. Those who discover this focus early, gain the confidence and motivation that are often the necessary edge to realize career goals. Making these decisions requires not only self-awareness, but also knowledge of the world of work.
The Greenwood System is designed to provide you with the knowledge and information you need to make critical career decisions. Through a process of self-exploration, including: interviews, a series of assessments, tests, and feedback sessions with a counselor, we help you identify realistic career and educational goals. This process, plus our expertise and knowledge of today’s economy and career trends, equips you to make informed decisions about your career. A carefully designed plan of action can significantly decrease the risks involved when considering a career change and expedite the process of finding job satisfaction in the workplace.
The Greenwood System was validated in a 2003 research study that indicated that 65.4% of randomly selected clients adhered to the program recommendation at least three years after receiving the service. Those who adhered to the recommendations were found to be significantly more committed to their careers. Additionally, 85% reported that the program met their needs and 95% would recommend the program to others.
The Process
– Evaluation of transcripts and educational history.
– Evaluation of work experiences and review of resume.
– Extensive interviews and testing for interests, personality, aptitudes and values resulting in a comprehensive profile of the individual.
– Feedback and counseling sessions to review test results.
– Development of a list of career options that match the individual’s skills, interests, special talents and goals.
– Exploration of career options and continuing education opportunities.
– A final summary report which includes test results and recommendations.
Additional Services Available:
– Resume Preparation
– Interview Coaching
Outplacement Services
When corporations are forced to downsize or reorganize, many valued staff members are unable to continue in their present positions. This can create a difficult situation between the employer and valued employees.
Corporations often want to assist employees in a more meaningful and personalized way. Resume assistance and interview coaching are not enough to help them through these emotionally stressful times. Employees often needed additional assistance channeling their energies in positive directions to expedite the process of finding new jobs.
The Greenwood System provides highly individualized attention as well as new options for these employees to explore. The self-exploration process alleviates much of the stress involved in transitioning to a new workplace by focusing on strengths. The goal is to uncover alternative career paths that can present new and exciting opportunities. Concentrating on the positive increases self-confidence and motivation and greatly assists employees in making necessary changes as quickly as possible.
Corporate Recruitment & Retention
Everyone at some time has hired an employee who had a polished resume and an impressive interview but who just did not work out. This presents a serious dilemma for management. Improved hiring practices and interviewing techniques of prospective employees can significantly reduce company risk of making costly errors.
Recruiting and retaining top employees are the primary goals for thriving corporations and firms. These personnel efforts are critical to the financial health of a corporation since people are a company’s most valuable asset. It pays to spend the time, energy, and money to ensure the success of these efforts.
Understanding an employee’s strengths and needs also enables managers to support and retain valued team members.
Greenwood Associates assist employers with the development of staff involved in the hiring process and help them solve difficult employee situations. By creating individual profiles of employees, they can also help managers identify the most competent and compatible candidates to recruit and retain, promoting the longevity and enhanced productivity of a company or firm.