Advising Families –
Private School Educational Options
Few choices will have as great an impact on a life as the choice of a school for a student. This decision can be overwhelming to students and families. They sometimes need help on how to properly evaluate their options and make appropriate choices. That’s where an educational consultant plays a vital role. Greenwood Associates are skilled professionals who provide private counseling to help the students and families choose schools that are educationally sound, growth producing and socially appropriate.
We are first and foremost advocates of the student. We help families identify the learning environments that best suit their children. We are experienced in all areas of school placement. We also work with students who have learning differences, behavioral issues, or desire an overseas learning experience. Not tied to any institution, we provide unbiased help in evaluating the wealth of information from schools that students receive.
We pride ourselves on having firsthand knowledge of educational institutions. Spending twenty percent of our time visiting campuses around the country, we keep up-to-date on a wide variety of boarding schools and their changing admissions policies and practices.
Our educational consultants begin with an evaluation to help the student identify strengths and weaknesses, as well as educational objectives, choices and plans.
Empathetic counseling can help students define goals and develop feelings of self worth. When appropriate, a consultant will recommend testing for the purpose of psychological or academic assessment.
We then work with the student to consider the full range of educational possibilities. With our extensive knowledge of schools, we can broaden or narrow the potential choices and provide vital help in weighing factors such as cost, location, and curriculum.
We provide unbiased advice and recommendations based on our professional judgment of a student’s needs and abilities. We are compensated directly by our clients, not by any educational institution.
Principles of Good Practice of the Independent Educational Consultants Association (IECA)
The consultant’s primary obligation is to represent each client accurately based upon a professional evaluation of the circumstances and requirements of the case. However, the consulting relationship does not imply guarantee of specific placement.
The consultant shall neither solicit nor accept compensation from any school, college or institution for placement of the client.
The consultant shall respect the integrity of the consulting relationship and of all relevant information.
The consultant shall present to the client the most appropriate choices, representing each one fairly and shall make clear the client’s responsibilities in dealing with any schools, colleges or institutions.
The consultants shall not discriminate against clients on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin.