International Students
Deciding to send your student to study in the United States is a difficult and complicated decision and one that will have an enormous impact on his/her future success. The process of choosing the right school and area of study is often very stressful for today’s students and families. These decisions lay the foundation for a career path and livelihood. With so many schools to choose from picking the right one can be overwhelming. The educational consultants at Greenwood Associates are trained professionals who have experience working with families from all over the world to identify schools that are a good fit educationally and socially. Finding the right school is essential for students to be successful and grow into their full potential.
We pride ourselves on having firsthand knowledge of educational institutions. Spending twenty percent of our time visiting campuses around the country, we keep up-to-date on a wide variety of independent day and boarding schools and their changing admissions policies and practices. Having visited numerous high schools, colleges, universities and technical schools and placing hundreds of students since 1987, we have personal knowledge, resources and information about schools including their campus cultures and academic strengths.
The Greenwood System takes the guesswork out of the career and school selection process. It matches the interests, values, aptitudes, and personalities of students with institutions that can provide an academic and social environment that best meets the student’s needs and goals. An early career focus frequently reduces the time spent on a degree by eliminating school transfers and changes in the area of study.
Our educational consultants begin with an evaluation to help students identify their strengths and weaknesses, educational objectives, choices and plans. When appropriate a consultant will recommend testing for the purpose of academic assessment and language proficiency. We then work with students to consider the full range of educational possibilities. With our extensive knowledge of schools, we can broaden or narrow the potential choices and provide vital help in weighing factors such as cost, location, and curriculum. We provide unbiased advice and recommendations based on our professional judgment of a student’s needs and abilities. We are compensated directly by our clients and not by any educational institution.
The Greenwood System provides objective data about a student and generates appropriate career and continuing education options. Armed with this information the student and family are able to make wise decisions about which educational institution is a good match for the student.
Our educational consultants also assist families with the application process to ensure that students are accepted into appropriate educational institutions. The final decision of school choice is left to the family.
选择让您的孩子到美国学习是一个综合考虑后的慎重决定,而且对您的孩子的未来将会有深远的影响。如何选择适合您孩子的学校和专业也一定是重大的决定。毕竟今天的这一选择将会影响您的孩子职业和未来的生活方式。面对众多全球顶级教育资源,该怎么帮孩子选择最合适的学校呢?Greenwood Associates 的专业入学指导老师拥有丰富的经验,帮助全球各地的家长和学生选择适合学校和专业方向,帮助家长和学生匹配最理想的学术和社会环境。帮助孩子铺好美好人生道路,让孩子的各方面能力达到最好的发挥,从选择优秀适合的学校开始。
我们的教育咨询师首先给学生做评估,帮助学生找到自己的优势,劣势,留学目标,多种选择方案,和留学规划。必要的情况下教育咨询师会建议学生去参加某方面的测试或语言水平测试,以更好针对学生的自身情况。结合测试情况,咨询师会综合各项因素,帮助学生做出最佳的留学方案。我们的各位咨询师经验丰富,对各个学校都有长期深厚的了解,因此学生在了解和筛选学校方面会大有受益。各学校的学费,师资,周边环境等都是咨询师在提出方案时要考虑的,学生可以综合各项因素而做出决定。 咨询师会专业的考虑学生教育需求和个人能力状况,指导学生择校之路。我们与学校之间没有招生的利益往来,我们只对学生负责,为学生的利益服务。
Greenwood 择校系统客观的提供关于学生职业和教育选择的各项数据,是学生择校的最佳依据保障。
The Process
– An initial consultation with the student and family via videoconferencing or in person.
– Evaluation of the student’s academic records.
– Computer-assisted assessments of the student’s interests, and personality.
– Extensive interview of the student to assist in identifying strengths, interests and values via videoconferencing or in person.
– Identification of potential areas of study and careers that complement the student’s profile.
– Guidance on the high school, boarding/day school, and college admissions process and career research.
– A final summary report that incorporates test results and recommendations.
– A parent conference that establishes realistic goals for the student via videoconferencing or in person.
– Assistance completing admissions applications for up to five of the best-matched schools/programs.
– The family makes the final decision as to which school the student will attend.
– 咨询师跟家长和学生当面或者视频咨询。
– 全力协助学生申请学校及职业规划。