Special Needs Students
In times of crisis, a barrage of emotions can overwhelm parents. The confusion and desperation associated with a troubled teen is extremely painful. As alternatives are explored, how do you know which options would best meet the needs of your child? For individuals unfamiliar with special needs schools and programs, this can be very challenging.
Greenwood Associates are recognized leaders in evaluating children and matching their special needs with programs or schools. We employ state-of-the-art assessments and implement effective and strategic interventions for adolescents and young adults. We have devised the first system for matching at-risk teens to appropriate treatment programs. Teens who are “acting out” or “acting in” can appear very similar although the underlying roots of the behavior may be quite different. An intensive individualized approach is required to quickly respond to your child’s particular needs.
Programs are visited and researched by our team to assure that they meet industry standards and that caring, responsible, credentialed professionals staff them. We devote twenty percent of our time to visiting therapeutic programs to learn first hand the type and quality of their services. As independent consultants who are not affiliated with any program or institution, we concentrate on what is best for you and your child and provide you with objective recommendations. Having served hundreds of families, we know the levels of care available and the best program options to expeditiously target the right fit for your child.
After you have chosen a placement for your child, we assist with admission to the program and monitor progress while enrolled. We work as part of the treatment team in conjunction with the therapist and other program staff to ensure the best outcome for your child. We also serve as a resource to your family while your child is in treatment and help prepare and provide support for the family and plan for the return of your child to your home.
The Process – A One Full Day Experience Plus Follow-Up
– Evaluation of all student records.
– Two and a half hour morning interview with the parents/caregivers gathering historical information.
– Assessments and interview with the student, when appropriate.
– Educate parents/caregivers on how we choose the level of care needed and what to expect while their child is away.
– Identification of the level of care needed for the student.
– Provide information on schools/programs that match that level of care.
– Assistance with admission to the school/program of the family’s choice.
– Follow-up with the student’s therapist at the school/program.
– Follow-up with the family.
– Assistance with decisions for after-care.
At Greenwood Associates, we advise you on all facets of your child’s care. Our professional and confidential intervention often brings long-awaited direction and relief to families who are struggling. As child and family advocates, our goal is to provide you and your child with a treatment plan that is a good match for your family’s special needs.
Principles of Good Practice of the Independent Educational Consultants Association (IECA)
The consultant’s primary obligation is to represent each client accurately based upon a professional evaluation of the circumstances and requirements of the case. However, the consulting relationship does not imply guarantee of specific placement.
The consultant shall neither solicit nor accept compensation from any school, college or institution for placement of the client.
The consultant shall respect the integrity of the consulting relationship and of all relevant information.
The consultant shall present to the client the most appropriate choices, representing each one fairly and shall make clear the client’s responsibilities in dealing with any schools, colleges or institutions.
The consultants shall not discriminate against clients on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin.